Barcelona Parc Logistic metro station

Barcelona Parc Logistic metro line 9 station
Barcelona metro Parc Logistic

Barcelona Parc Logistic station

The Parc Logistic station on line 9 of the Barcelona underground is located between the Mercabarna stop and Fira station.

  •  Disabled access  Lifts
  • Connection with metro : none
  • Connection with tramway : none
  • Connection with train : none
  • Next station : metro Fira
  • Previous metro station : Mercabarna

Barcelona metro guide

 Barcelona metro tickets

Barcelona metro ticket prices
A wide choice of subscriptions, cards and Barcelona metro fares for all kinds of stays and trips in the Catalan capital.

 Barcelona Metro hours

barcelona metro timetables
By day and night, from Monday to Friday, weekend or public holiday, the metro of Barcelona adapts its hours all year round.

 Barcelona metro map

Barcelona metro map with monuments
From one tourist site to another, which stations, connections and colours to choose among the twelve lines of Barcelona's metro network.
Barcelona Parc Logistic metro stop
Barcelona Parc Logistic metro stop Barcelona line 9 Parc Logistic metro station

Each of Barcelona metro stops having its particularity, depending on what you can find there, locate the Barcelona Parc Logistic metro station on our map and get an idea of what you will discover, where you will get off.

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