All Barcelona metro stations

Barcelona metro stations

Every Barcelona metro stations list

You know the name of the metro station but you don't know which lines and connections can take you there, click on your destination in the list of Barcelona's metro stations arranged in alphabetical order, and find out how to get there among the lines L1 to L12 and other public transport services that connect to them.

barcelona Hola unlimited metro cards

Barcelona Hola metro pass

Barcelona unlimited public transport card

From 2 to 5 days, the Hola card is the best option to visit Barcelona without stress, with unlimited access to public transport. From metro to tram, bus (TMB) or Montjuic funicular, not forgetting zone 1 trains, the Hola Barcelona card also includes transport between airport and Barcelona city centre.

Barcelona metro stop list
Barcelona metro stations All Barcelona's subway stations

How to get there and what to see, which line of the Barcelona underground is located and which connections to take ; all the answers to any questions you may have about your destination are behind each of the Barcelona underground stations.

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